Achal Agarwal
Date of first appointment as a Director
1 September 2016
Date of last re-election as a Director
22 July 2022
Board committee(s) served on
- Chairman, Remuneration and Human Resource Committee
- Member, Executive Committee
Present directorships in other listed companies
- Non-Executive Director, Amcor Plc.
Present principal commitments
- Board of Trustee, Conservation Fund, WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature (Singapore) Limited
- Senior Advisor, Accenture Pte. Ltd.
- Independent Member, The Sentosa Sustainability Advisory Panel
Past directorships in other listed companies held over the preceding three years
- Nil
- CNBC Asia Business Leader of the Year 2016
Academic and professional qualification(s)
- BA (Hons), History, University of Delhi
- MBA, University of Delhi
- AMP, Wharton Business School